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Original idea

Jacques Grim, a man of philosophy and of reason. Or he used to be.  He was once a handsome young man, dark hair and decent jaw line he would say. But after he had landed a job as a lecturer, he wasn’t expecting it to cause such a change. He was a tough marker when it comes to his philosophy work and so he had enraged many students. However, enraging and provoking a shadowy confrontation is another thing. Grim was ecstatic with his life at this point as he had gotten his dream job and his wife, Helen was having a baby. This all became quite distorted the following semester, he had failed nearly half the class, and this didn’t entertain one group of students. To put it simply, they were infuriated to the point of thinking of taking action. They began to think of ways to humiliate him, or to wound him. These students would arrange to meet and discuss it; at first their conversations were not serious. They were just words of spite to help cool their fury. Yet one boy, Daniel Havishham, had ulterior motives. From the start his philosophy answers had rather disturbed both Grim and the class. He was interested in the downfall of society, a society with no law, one were killing was something to be proud of, “survival of the fittest as Darwin and Spencer put it” he would say. The class said nothing of his long-winded explanations as to why the vilest of crimes should be legal; they thought he was showing off. But as a young boy he had conjured these thoughts, and now was his chance to put it to the test.


At first, he would suggest things jokingly, the others would laugh and nod in agreement, “that would really show him wouldn’t it.” Then progressively he became more and more serious about it, but he had led the others to believe that these activities would be necessary. That Mr Grim actually NEEDED to be taught a lesson. He manipulated his way around the conversation, he had control, and the group would listen to him. He used philosophy to justify his notions, slowly the cluster had become eager for the real thing.


They planned it. Everything to the last detail. They had followed his car home, made a schedule of when he gets a coffee, which stop lights he passes, every little aspect of his day. They then calculated the event for Friday, just before Mr Grim ended class.


It was a cold day, clouds formed from their warm breath into the icy air. Grey clouds lined the silver sky; a storm was beginning to brew. It was 8pm; they carried their gym bags with them over their shoulders. Adam had decided to grab his dad’s electric saw along with a heavy bag full of tools. Peter had a bag with their masks, a blindfold, lock picks and plastic wrap. Daniel had the body bag.


They had planned to get rid of their professor once and for all. 


They drove to his house, climbed out of the car, bags in hand and proceeded to walk to the door. They didn’t utter a word. Their black gym backs were held in their hands by their waists, all walking in line towards the household. The front garden was neat and tidy, a trim hedge, appealing little flowers in their hanging baskets and a freshly painted green door. Peter lifted his bag to his chest, unzipping the bag and taking out the lock picks. One, two, three. Click.

They stepped inside. Silence between them as they crept forward, the TV was playing. Was he home? Had they made a mistake?


Despite their conciseness telling them to turn away they proceeded. The carpeted flooring absorbed the found of their footsteps. They had finally come to the living room, a blaring TV showing master chefs cooking organic curry. A figure sat in the chair facing the TV. Not a man. A woman. She was a woman with long chestnut hair and a petite frame. She had not noticed them. Wordlessly their plan had changed. Professor Grim had a wife. Daniel smirked as he whispered, “Goodbye Mrs Grim.”

My first design was to make a villain that wore a mask. It was based on a story I wrote as well as an image in my head similar to that of donnie darko's disguise. However it also had a touch of batman and I gave the character a mask that was only "half-face" so that it symbolised his human nature being controlled by a mask. He put this mask on only after what happened to his wife as it caused him great trauma and so he hides behind it to not had to live through what happened. 

I started off with the basic head mesh, first I thought about the mask shape and so I used the grab tool to structure him some rabbit like ears. Then, I thought about the eye holes that the mask would have, they needed to seem like they were dark, soul-less and empty. So I thought about not giving him any trace of eyes inside. I used the bulge tool while holding down 'ctrl' so that I could create dips or crevices. I then gave dramatic cheek bones and a pattern to a latex like costume on his neck. I continued shaping the ears and used the grab tool to give my idea of where I would put the nose. After this I used the knife tool to make a gaping mouth shape for the mask. I continued to help bring everything into shape using various tools. I thought about colour and then decided to take it away afterwards. After producing an athletic like body shape to his chest, back and neck I added shirt detail. Using bulge, smooth, foamy and flatten. I then used the burn tool to give the character a dirty look, like he had just finished burying his victim. I used red and black colours with the dry brush and the paint tools to give this effect. Finally I gave the character hair, using the wax tool.

After I had finished this character I had realised I could do better and so I started over again.

Final Idea

My initial idea for this characters name was Brute. It was simple and put my point across, nonetheless I thought I could do better and so I changed his name to:  Butcher Kaine


I started off with the basic head once again, though I had previously played around with trying to start off with the cube I wanted to finish quicker than it was taking me. 

First I used the grab tool as well as the foamy tool to make the head a larger bulkier shape. I constructed a chin and cheekbones as well as a brow. 

I made markers of where I would set the eyes, the nose, the ears, and mouth. I then started on the nose, I made it larger and forced it to stand out more using the bulge tool and the smooth tool (I occasionally used flatten), I gave it nostrils using the invert function of bulge and continued to smooth out each step. I added 3 subdivisions. 

Next I chose to begin on the eyes, I started off the same with the previous sculpture but then began in smoothing it out and using the bulge tool in the middle so that it could have eyeballs. Using the bulge tool with a size 1.00 and a low set strength I created eyelids. I proceeded to make a dent in the middle of his brow to give him more of an expression. 

I then shaped the lips using the bulge, smooth, knife, flatten and foamy tool to make the full in a more realistic manner. I created mouth creases and creases around his nose using the flatten and scape tool. I then then gave him a cupids bow using the scale, smooth and smear tool. I created ears using each of the tools and swapped between then gradually to make them properly formed. I used the invert function of the bulge tool to make the ears come off of the head more. I then gave him a large looking chest, a sternomastoid and bulkier shoulders. I gave him a thicker neck and proceeded to use the knife tool and the smooth tool to give him a scar. Next I did the hair using various stencils and the sculpt tool. I then used the paint and dry paint tool to colour this hair. The skin texture is a stencil.

Both of these sculpts were created using a 3D sculpting/modelling computer program called mudbox.  

Butcher Kaine, the henchman of Dr. James Piper, a madman who enjoyed torturing his patients. He no longer worked at a hospital of course so Kaine was told to bring "patients" to him". Butcher had never been an emotional man, often as a child he was devoid of passion or warmth. He had no empathy nor sympathy. He just felt that if he needed something he would get it, and it didn't matter in what way. With a thirty-two year prison sentence, he managed to be bailed out on what the judge called good behaviour, I however, call it a capital agreement. In other words, Butcher's judge was paid off. Because of this he was able to get back to work. Butcher was sure he needed the money, the security and the routine of his job. The fact that it was illegal was just a drawback. He enjoyed his work. It was simple and efficient and he had become very good at it over the years. He always went over the sets in his head before he executed them. Find a fitting individual, trick them, bag them, put them in the truck, take them back to Doc. He nodded satisfied, that's the plan.  

Exploring Mudbox

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