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Unit Aim:     

To develop your knowledge of, and responsiveness to, the distinctive and individual audiences for specific art and design activities. To use this knowledge and understanding to develop more focused and enhanced creative solutions to art and design problems

Subject Aim:

There are many genres of game and each have their own style and loyal fan base. This project is to research 3 of these genres. Explore their style and the motivation of the users in playing them.  This will enable you to design your own game, choose a genre that you have found most interesting and develop a Game Design Document.

Explaining genres

One of the oldest genres of video game is the classic shooter. Shooters are games that require the player to blow away enemies or objects in order to survive and continue gameplay. They usually fall into one of two categories: 1) horizontal, or 2) vertical. These involve moving around the screen and shooting in whatever direction necessary to keep from being killed. This is an example of a sub-genre that has grown enough to become its own genre. In fact, because of the prevalence of these games, many people use the term "shooter" to refer to first-person-shooters. These games are realtime fast-paced action games in which the player navigates an environment from a first-person perspective and, usually, blows everything and everyone away whenever possible. Another of the first video game genres, especially from the computer platforms, was the adventure game. here has always been a strong following for this genre because of the challenge of puzzle-solving and the general lack of violence. This has also made it popular for many non-traditional gaming demographics. It is believed that the platform genre began in 1981 with the release of the games Donkey Kong and Space Panic. Games within this genre are usually identified by navigating environments that require timing and jumping in order to reach a destination while avoiding and/or disposing of enemies. Many of these, like Donkey Kong, have a series of screens, each with its own individual pattern of challenges. As companies began to develop platform games for home consoles and computers instead of arcade machines (i.e. Super Mario Bros for the Famicom and Nintendo Entertainment system), they took advantage of the evolving processors and and greater memory capacity by transcending individual screens and utilising actively side-scrolling worlds.  Platform video games continued to evolve as gaming became more 3D. One of the greatest 3D platform games was introduced with the launch of the Nintendo 64 and was called Super Mario 64. Evolving from pen-and-paper games like Dungeons and Dragons, RPGs are a special type of adventure game that usually incorporate three major elements: 1) a specific quest, 2) a process for evolving a character through experience to improve his/her ability to handle deadlier foes, 3) the careful acquisition and management if inventory items for the quest (i.e., weapons, armour, healing items, food, and tools). Having said that, these games still have many variations and appearances. In many ways, puzzle video games are not dissimilar from traditional puzzles. What they offer are unique environments that are not as easily introduced in one's living room. For example, Wetrix enables the player to build up a series of walls that would be able to contain a deluge of water when it falls.  By their nature, simulations are attempts to accurately re-create an experience. These can be in the form of management simulations like SimCity and Theme Hospital, or more hands on like MicroSoft Flight Simulator or Gran Turismo. Like simulations, strategy/tactics games attempt to capture a sense of realism for the game player to experience. However, these titles are often turn-based as opposed to realtime and they give the player a greater sense of specific control over a situation. As you can imagine, sports games are those that simulate the playing of sports. Many of these have incorporated novel aspects beyond the games themselves. For example, most football video games like the Madden series enable the player to create and customise teams and play them for an entire season. Furthermore, many sports games include management elements beyond the games themselves. There is quite a bit of variety in this genre for fans of the games, the players, and the behind the scenes responsibilities of owning a team. Dance Dance Revolution is probably the single largest franchise in this genre. Of the rest, many require a specialised controller like DDR, but several don't. This grouping of games is differentiated by the timed elements usually synched to music somehow. As the name suggests, these titles are an interactive evolutionary step of the horror genre. The main gameplay mechanic in these is to "survive" the environment that includes fantastic or supernatural elements that are very frightening and often disturbing. Many of these titles are rated mature because of they are not intended for younger audiences and often include graphic scenes. It's important to recognise that many games are not limited to a single genre. Some are the combination of two or more game types. In fact, as gaming evolves, we see lines blurred between genres more frequently than not. Since the introduction of 3D gaming, the action/adventure genre has grown dramatically. It is practically a catch-all category that incorporates 3D games with realtime combat and puzzle-solving in a fairly cohesive storyline. Many of these games are also first-person-shooters. Some are 3D platform titles. And most survival horror titles qualify as Action/Adventure games too. 

The main aim of this unit is to create a simple demo for a game. Each student is required to create a unique game level/environment revolving around 3 chosen genres from the more popular categories of game genres within the gaming community. The codes for the demo do not need to be fully functioning, nevertheless it has to portray the notion of the game and its end goal must be clear enough to the player. The crucial characteristics of this unit are to deliver the concept, review the game interactivity and finally generate its impressionable artwork that should demonstrate how the games domain would appear, furthermore character designs would be a great addition to the unit.  

Game Genre

When selecting a games genre there are several things to consider. Genre classification is a universally used tool that aids people in a variety of ways. All genres work towards satisfying the specific audiences that they are targeted towards or regulate the games plot and choices from start to finish. A few of these genres often have age ratings corresponding with them, an example would be shooter games (often based on war) are not adequate for younger viewers, popular game Call of Duty has an age stamp of 16+. 

For this unit my task is to select three genres and produce a game level/demo that incorporates them. For the first genre I would like to stick to a genre I know quite well as I am well acquainted with playing rpg games, this is keeping it comfortable and means that I will know somewhat what I want to do as I would like a first person perspective for the player as the plot continues.  I would also like to create a somewhat unique game idea. My first idea for my game was inspired by playing Sims 4, I would like to create rooms and have the character/player figure out who exactly they are playing as from walking into rooms (which will be unlockable through a level concept). Each room will have 3 clues and the player must guess what part of the room gives away something about the character. I hope to make it more complicated further on in the game but as I am only creating the demo I will just start it off easy by making the rooms a normal house and the character will be that of a teenage boy. Further on I could make the player be a serial killer or something more exciting to give more of a challenge to figure things out as a serial killer would not make it very obvious that they are such. I believe it will be targeted towards teens of 12+ or 16+ depending on how I would hypothetically continue the levels. The genres for such a game would be rpg, strategy and puzzle. 

My second idea would be a rather simple exploring rpg game where the player would explore the games world and come across monsters or animals I have modelled and fight to survive. I believe the genres for this game would be rpg, fighting and adventure.


The first genre I have picked to incorporate into my game is rpg, this is because I have loved to play rpg games from a very young age and always found them throughly enjoyable. It is the main genre that I have played through my life as I find it the most interesting. As I explain above along with the rest of the genres, rpg stands for role playing game, where it the player commonly acts as the main character through the game. 

monsters inc inspired room3
monsters inc inspired room2
monsters inc inspired room
1 kitchen
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